
Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I know I should be blogging every day, but somehow with the seasonal move up north, building a new kitchen, hosting family up north without a kitchen, washing dishes in the yard, etc., I've fallen behind on lots of things this summer. This morning I stumbled on a very good writer who made me laugh like a crazy woman: My favorite part was the suggestion that catapulted camels would get kids interested in science. Since Mark Steyn is once again (!) on hiatus, this is a great replacement.

On an even happier note, the plumber is coming Friday to finalize the hook up of the sink and dishwasher, and we can move out of the stone age, and stop washing our dishes with sand.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Each week on Friday, Mark Steyn picks a letter of the week:
I had never heard of Jews in Bagdad, but this beautifully visceral letter strikes the core of what's ailing the world right now. It's easy to forget that we are not really that special, or that smart, or any different from our ancestors despite our ipads and comfort level with the internet. Despite even our ability to access multitudes of informational sources, we as a people are still slaves to the oldest fears and prejudices. How else to explain the control of the masses by a relatively small group of hateful trolls?

Demographics Made Easy

What a great presentation on demographics

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Crying Lone Wolf - Mark Steyn - The Corner on National Review Online

Politigal's favorite pundit, Mark Steyn, on government officials' belief that only "lone wolves" or tea partiers are capable of terrorism with Obama in charge. Crying Lone Wolf - Mark Steyn - The Corner on National Review Online

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ouch! Rasmussen just did one of its awesome polls and the future looks bleak for Michigan Democrats. Very favorable ratings have completely tanked for these liberal spendaholics, and unfavorable ratings have soared. An amusing side note is that attorney Geoffrey Fieger, best known for defending Dr. Jack (Death) Kevorkian, and who ran unsuccessfully in 1998, has pulled out of the race, citing among other reasons, the fact that too many people in Michigan know who he is.
Of course, whoever wins the various races this November will inherit a gigantic mess which will take years to recover from. It will help if the new legislature fast tracks reforms that include giving business owners a break.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

They're back! The awesomely funny duo of Clyde Middleton and Bill Dupray of Patriot Room Radio have returned from a month long leave, and have produced another one of their enjoyably provocative radio shows. It's "Radio on demand", one of my favorite internet features, and worth a good listen:
May 4, 2010
After a restless night actually dreaming of political strategy and what the future holds, I awoke to a recording of Mayor Bloomberg's comments on the attempted bombing in Times Square. Really? The bomber could be anyone, like, say, a homegrown, disgruntled, anti-health care tea party type? Really? Really?
Certain groups of people are getting rich these days, but a lucky few are getting rich and powerful. I would suggest that Americans do what they do best-follow the money and power back to the source of our problems.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hello from Politigal

Hello BlogWorld! As a happy mother and housewife whose world was shaken by events following Sept. 10, 2001, my life has turned from one of glorious summers spent at the cottage surrounded by children and security, to that of reluctant political warrior. Not only have I become a huge fan of Mark Steyn, Jonah Goldberg, Ann Coulter, and every other free-thinking writer out there, reading everything I can get my hands on, but also a campaign manager. Having just finished 2 crash courses (One in beautiful Washington, D.C., at the Leadership Institute), I'm feeling much more capable of running and winning with my candidate. Hopefully, I'll have time to update this blog regularly. And for Heaven's sake, log onto Steynonline, Powerline, or Liberty Pundits for some of the best writing and biting commentary on the planet.